The Infinite Affirmation

Anni Laser

Here is some generative guidance for creative blocks, existential nuisances and life events that require fortune-telling or self-reflection. The card on the left may represent the past, the middle one the present and the one on the right can be used to reflect the future.

Submitting your question might or might not have something to do with the cards you get, but hey, everything is entangled on a quantum level! Besides, it is always good to try to put into words what is on one's mind, is it not?

This parody tarot deck combines an eclectic list of words with illustrations that are randomly generated by following a brief set of rules. The project is also a contribution for a VCD Seminar 1 course assigment. The generative card deck functions as a reimagined CV. Every keyphrase and thus every card represents one important person and learnig experience of my life. As a further developent I will implement a small text window that reveals a brief explanation of each card when the card is hovered.